速報APP / 社交 / Messenger "ROYAL"

Messenger "ROYAL"



檔案大小:102.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:俄文, 英語, 阿拉伯文


ROYAL is a new fast and secure messenger with modern design and features, using which you can send text messages to your family and friends for FREE!

• Send and receive messages using your phone's Internet connection or Wi-Fi (if available). No fees, no charges.


• Quick access to your contacts : Your address book will be synchronized with our servers automatically and determine who of your contacts are already have ROYAL. Just tap on a contact in ROYAL contacts list and start chatting!

• Discuss all the most important in the group chats! You can easily manage group members list, change notifications, send messages and share multimedia files with your friends!


• Send encrypted messages : We use a special algorithm to encrypt messages, so you can be sure that no one can read it without your knowledge! Also, we don't share the encryption key via messenger channels. Only the sender can send the key in any convenient way for him.

• Send and receive multimedia : Photos, Files, and Voice Messages.


• You don't miss any messages because using ROYAL you will be always logged in! (Internet connection required)

• Personalize your ROYAL : Set up wallpapers, themes, sound notifications and much more!


*Remember that when you using your mobile Internet connection you may still pay for data usage. For more info please, contact your mobile provider.
